Monday, May 12, 2008

Bookmarks and more

Thank goodness, I am back in business. I have been trying to post these photos for obout a week now, with no success on my previous blog, so now I have a new one.

I hadn't had time to post for a while as I had to make these bookmarks (in the middle of trying to catch up on the accumulated office work from while we were away). I sell these as souvenirs at the local Botanic Gardens shop, and while we were in Townsville a lady came in with her elderly (?) mother who was looking for souvenirs. The daughter nearly had a fit and said she had already had to buy a new suitcase for her mother to take home all the stuff she had bought. Mother, not to be outdone, grabbed six bookmarks and said 'Right, I can fit these in my handbag, so you can't be cross with me now"!!! I suspect she is younger than I am so not really elderly - the lass telling me this story in in her early twenties!

I am really hoping to have some time to experiment and practise more techniques soon, the year is vanishing fast. My sister is coming to visit for a week shortly, we usually spend a couple of days creating together - I love having a kindred spirit rather than working in isolation .
I have lots more to tell, but dinner calls - I need to finish getting it ready, some lovely corned silverside, which has been in my slow cooker for most of the day. I have only had a slow cooker for a few months, they are wonderful.


Doreen G said...

Fantastic bookmarks Robin--and I'm glad that you got things sorted out.

Penny said...

l was almost going to suggest trying for a new blog and you did it. Love the bookmarks, how are they done? tissue on felt or something much more ambitious.